04 steps to advance in each session:
What you want to achieve
barriers on the way
Strengths in action
Unlike other therapies, positive psychotherapy is a set of specific exercises that promote a change in attitude and habits to face difficulties and that are clinically and scientifically validated. These gradually favor flexibility to develop more responses to adversity and promote a change in habits motivated by meaningful beliefs.
The objective is to gradually enable people to generate tranquility and calm as a first step, and progressively develop the emotional skills that allow them autonomy and security to make better decisions. All this is accompanied by the discovery of the barriers that prevent progress, as well as the emotional strengths that generate resilience. As a result, people are better prepared to face problems, challenges, improve interpersonal relationships, work, family, academic or other expectations.
The reason that motivates the consultation and the personal disposition to make the changes, added to the expertise of the therapist, will determine the frequency with which the sessions are carried out.
It is a therapy that delivers concrete development tools that can be used again for a lifetime.
Positive psychotherapy is based on the theory of positive emotions that go hand in hand with the development of emotional strengths known as the strengths theory. It also incorporates theories that investigate the optimal functioning of people such as the theory of Self-determination, Emotion Regulation, Growth Mentality, Mindfulness, among others.
Positive psychotherapy makes it possible to create new neural paths or habits that lead to improving the quality of life. Emotions, positive or negative, are all valid, as long as they are used in the right intensity and context. Thus, for example, an excessively optimistic person can make the mistake of taking unnecessary risks. Or, a pessimistic person, they may limit themselves and others from moving positively through life.
Understanding what kind of emotions and strengths favor us in a specific situation to put them into action, with the appropriate intensity and, according to the context, is what is called emotion regulation. From the perspective of positive psychology, it is achieving wisdom.